In addition to courses and lessons offered by the PhD programme, other activities that contribute to the training of the doctoral students and to the achievement of the total 180 CFU include:

Research Activity
– Experimental research activities (50 TCs/year; mandatory)

Attended activities  
– Participation to Summer Schools (5 TCs per School)
– Other didactic courses (1 TC per 5 hour-course)
– Seminars (0.3 TCs per seminar)

Scientific activities 
– Participation to congresses, workshops and other scientific events (1 TC per events of 1-2 days; 2 TCs per events > 2 days)
– Presentations to congresses, workshops e other scientific events (3 TCs per poster presentation, 5 TCs per oral communication)

National and International mobility 
– Research period in other Institutions/Bodies/Companies in Italy (5 TCs per month)
– Research period in Institutions/Bodies/Companies abroad (10 TCs per month)

Publications and scientific awards 
– Publications in indexed peer-reviewed journals (Co-author 3 TCs, first author 10 TCs per article. TCs are halved for reviews)
– Scientific awards (1 CFU per award; no travel grants)

PhD thesis and final exam
– PhD thesis organisation and writing (10 TCs)

Teaching activities and organisation of scientific events by PhD students
– Teaching activity (e.g., tutorship, teaching support activities, supplementary teaching activities, third mission activities. 3 TCs per activity)
– Organisation of scientific events (1-5 TCs per event according to the joint evaluation by the PhD Programme Director and the Tutor)

Other activities
– Other activities not included in the previous items (1 TC per 5 hour-activity)