To access the PhD Course, it is necessary to posses a degree conferred according to the rules and regulations in force prior to the reform of didactic freedom in universities, or a specialist/II level degree or an equivalent foreign academic qualification.

Admission to the PhD Course in Experimental Medicine is subject to passing a public competition based on qualifications and interview. The notice of competition and the Annex A contain all the information regarding the admission requirements, the application for admission with the related documents to attach, the list of active PhD Programmes, the number of positions and scholarships available.

The notice of competition is published on the page dedicated to the PhD Courses of the University of Genoa and remains open for approximately one month.

An Evaluation Committee, appointed by the Rector, will predetermine the criteria for the comparative evaluation of qualifications, also for the purposes of determining their suitability, and the evaluation criteria for the interview. It will then draw up the ranking of those admitted to the interview that will take place later and which will be considered passed with a score of at least 40/60.

After the interview, the Committee will draw up the general ranking  based on the sum of the scores obtained by each candidate in the evaluation of qualifications and the interview; the candidates will be admitted to the Course, according to the order of the ranking, until all available positions have been assigned.