Laura Sturla
Present position: Associate Professor
School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Experimental Medicine
Biochemistry Unit
University of Genoa
tel.: 0103538131
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Curriculum of Biochemistry
Laura Sturla is Associate Professor of Biochemistry and teaches in degree courses of Nursing and Physiotherapy Science and in master degree courses of Medical-pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Sport Sciences. Since 2018 she is the coordinator of the courses of Biochemistry and Sports Activities in the various ages of life of the degree course in Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences. For 25 years she has carried out research in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology, with particular interest in the study of abscisic acid hormone and its role in the regulation of glycemic homeostasis and in metabolic syndromes. Her current lines of research concern the study of human receptors of abscisic acid, their signaling pathways and their role in the “browning” process of white adipose tissue.